Is Whey Protein Gluten Free?

Whey protein is actually a blend of globular proteins that are withdrawn from whey. It is a liquid substance that is created as a by-product of cheese production. It can be considered a dietary supplement, and may be used in alternative medicine.

Is whey protein gluten free? The answer: If it is 100 percent whey protein, then it is gluten free and natural. There are some types of whey protein that may have peptide bound glutamine that may originate from wheat protein. It is a good idea to always read the any product label, as there are many brands that are completely gluten free.

Pure Whey Protein Powder

If it is completely pure whey protein, then it has been obtained from milk. The pure whey protein powder will not contain any barley or wheat products. It is therefore 100 percent gluten free. It comes in different forms. It comes in a concentrated form too. It may also be isolate.