Why Use Grams Instead of Cups?

Yesterday I posted a new bread recipe – in grams – and 5 of the first 6 comments were requests for me to redo the recipe into a different system of measurement. So, today, I wanted to share a quick video (which some of you may have seen before) on why I use weight measurements.

I can’t remember if I mentioned specifically why I use grams, so let me tell you that now. Grams can measure very small things. Ounces can not. So, I use grams so that I can measure large amounts of flour and small amounts of salt without switching back and forth between ounces and grams. I try not to use ounces in my recipes because Americans (and yes, I am an American) tend to get confused with ounces. If you tell someone to measure out 7 oz. of sugar, chances are they will reach for a liquid measuring cup, because it has ounce measurements and use that. And that would be completely wrong. The ounce measurements on a liquid measuring cup are volume measurements. So, in order to minimize confusion and allow you to get the best results possible, I weigh my ingredients in grams.

Now, if you do not yet have a scale, you should buy one. But if you don’t believe me yet, then you can look at the back of most packaged products to find out how much 1 tsp. or 1 Tbsp. or 1/4 cup weighs in grams. And then you can do the math to figure out how much to use. I know some of you aren’t going to like that and I do hope that rather than taking the time to comment or email to that effect, that you’ll just go ahead and decide that you’re going to trust me on this one and head over to Amazon and buy a scale

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