Is Ketchup Gluten Free?

The short answer is “Yes, Ketchup is gluten-free, but that’s glossing over some things. The main thing to keep in mind is that there are numerous different recipes for making ketchup and they are not all created equal in terms of either their taste, thickness, consistency or gluten and other nutritional content. However, the majority of all ketchup products are naturally gluten free and those that are not contain only the tiniest possible trace amounts of gluten.

It’s important to note that simply because something has a “Gluten Free” label does not mean that it is actually devoid of gluten. If the purported gluten free product’s gluten content is at 20 milligrams of the protein, then it can be labeled appropriately (or not really).

An overabundance of any one type of nutrient, such as glucose or gluten, can have potentially unpleasent effects upon the body but for gluten in particular there is a special danger. This danger is excentuated by those whom are living with Celiac’s Disease.