Is Jello Gluten Free?

Jello is a common snack that many of us have eaten our entire lives. It obviously is not comprised of many things that we associate with gluten such as wheat, rye or other gluten filled grains, but Kraft, the makers of Jello, do not certify that it is gluten free.

Although Jello is not certified as a gluten-free food, it probably is. Kraft, the manufacturer of Jello, does not officially classify it as such, because the suppliers of the coloring used for Jello do not label all potential gluten contaminants found in their facilities.

Jello is derived from gelatin, which is a product made from collagen in animal hides, bones, and connective tissues. Although Jello is a low calorie food, it does have a little nutritional value. It is a good source of phosphorus, selenium and copper. Jello is also low in sodium, cholesterol and saturated fat. It is a great snack for those who want to lose weight because its calorie content is very low.